Senin, 01 Agustus 2022

LambudayaApps: A Learning Application as a Lampung Traditional Learning Instrument

LambudayaApps: A Learning Application as a Lampung Traditional Learning Instrument

1. Introduction

The word culture comes from The Sanskrit Buddhist language, which is the plural form of the word buddhi which means (mind or reason) interpreted as things related to mind and reason. Culture is the result of the creation and art of a society that has existed and been passed down for generations. Each country in the world certainly has its own cultureto signify the characteristics of a country [1]. Indonesia as an archipelagic country has a variety of cultures that are characteristic of each region. 

The expanding development of globalization has a very significant influence on society. One of the most prominent impacts is the emergence of an attitude of individualism in the person of society. The technology facilities are so important that people feel that they no longer need others. In addition, the decline in the attitude of love for the homeland is also increasingly felt among young people [2]. This event is not in line with the philosophy of the Lampung people, namely Pi'il pesenggiri. Pi'il pesenggiri is the basis that lies in the need to have a positive conscience (high morals or great spirit), to live logistically, ethically, and aesthetically [3]. Pi'il pesenggiri who has the principle of maintaining self-esteem should be a revitalization, this can be learned by the strong cultivation of a strong attitude of love towards the motherland through the reflection of the story of the local struggle carried out by previous heroes.

Revitalization is an effort or condition to update and adapt a principle or system to the current conditions and needs of society [4]. In terms of vitality, revitalization is an effort made to increase life force. Revitalization is one of the efforts to protect against something that is categorized as endangered [5]. Researcher hopes that the Instagram filter application that introduces the Lampung cultural tradition, can increase people's insight into Lampung culture which has begun to fade due to the development of globalization.

Based on the background above, the author chose the title "LambudayaApps: A learning Application as a Lampung Traditional Learning Instrument" Lambudayaapps is a learning application using Instagram filters with material about Lampung cultural traditions. The application will be implemented with the Android operating system. It is hoped that the innovations that the author creates can facilitate the understanding of the local culture of Lampung with a different learning atmosphere, more interactive and interesting.

4. Conclusion

The LambudayaApps application is a revitalization of the existence of cultural traditions as a reflection in the learning of local history. The LambudayaApps application uses a black box test database and questionnaires. Through black box testing, you can get that all the functions tested are valid, namely checking the login, checking the gallery features, and checking the search menu. Based on the characteristic function of the checklist, it was found that 92% of respondents answered Yes to the question asked While based on the checklist of usability characteristics 85% of respondents stated that they strongly agreed with the question asked, 15% of respondents agreed, and no one expressed no or disagreement. LambudayaApps copies have benefits in educational aspects, culture, and sustainability aspects. Photocopies of LambudayaApps can help and make it easier for people to get information about Lampung's cultural wisdom in a wider scope. This application is intended to describe, simplify, and test the effectiveness of the application as outlined in the form of Instagram filters as a medium for understanding and learning the wisdom of Lampung culture in a modern way. This will make it easier for the entire community to know and understand the wisdom of Lampung culture. Therefore, LambudayaApps is the right solution to digitize the introduction of Lampung cultural wisdom through Instagram filters to introduce Lampung culture in a wider scope.


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Instagram: @ukmpenelitianunila


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