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Rabu, 09 November 2022



Sejak pandemi covid-19 yang terjadi di Indonesia, setiap aspek kehidupan

masyarakat mengalami perubahan yang signifikan. Dalam hal ini, salah satu aspek

yang dipaksa beradaptasi dalam keadaan genting ini adalah pendidikan. Sistem

pendidikan Indonesia yang pada dasarnya masih dalam tahap perkembangan

mendadak berhenti karena terdapat urgensi masalah pandemi yang lebih penting.

Akhirnya untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, pembelajaran jarak jauh atau

yang sering disebut pembelajaran dalam jaringan (daring) pun diterapkan.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, pandemi covid di Indonesia mulai menunjukkan titik

terang. Menurut data Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, mulai dari

September 2021 terlihat bahwa perkembangan kasus Covid-19 sudah relatif turun.

Perubahan ini tentu disambut baik oleh masyarakat dan pemerintah di Indonesia.

Mengingat urgensi pendidikan di Indonesia akhirnya pemerintah mengeluarkan

kebijakan mengenai pembelajaran tatap muka yang secara bertahap dilakukan di

sekolah dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Sejak tanggal 9 Agustus

2021 aturan mengenai kebijakan pembelajaran tatap muka telah ditanda tangani,

yaitu untuk setiap satuan pendidikan yang berada di wilayah PPKM level 3 dan

level 2 diperbolehkan melaksanakan sekolah tatap muka dengan kapasitas

maksimal 50%.

Peraturan mengenai pembelajaran tatap muka tentu saja memperoleh berbagai

macam respon dari masyarakat. Pembelajaran yang sebelumnya dilaksanakan

secara daring akhirnya dapat kembali dilaksanakan secara luar jaringan (luring).

Akan tetapi, dalam realisasinya pembelajaran tatap muka pada masa transisi ini

menemui beberapa kendala. Masalah ketidakefektifan proses belajar mengajar

pada masa pandemi tentu memberikan efek pada siswa. Salah satu efek yang

dapat ditemui adalah kurangnya keterampilan sosial siswa.

Pembelajaran secara daring membuat siswa kehilangan banyak kesempatan untuk

hidup bersosialisasi seluas-luasnya, baik dengan teman sebaya atau masyarakat

sekitar. Sedangkan, ada banyak manfaat yang dapat diambil ketika mereka

melakukan interaksi terhadap orang-orang di sekitarnya. Mereka dapat belajar arti

gotong royong, komunikasi yang baik, bekerja sama, mengendalikan emosi, skill

negosiasi serta manajemen waktu. Kemampuan-kemampuan tersebut akan sulit

didapatkan apabila pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring.

Saat pandemi, pemanfaatan internet untuk berkomunikasi lebih banyak digunakan

dan meningkat sekitar 30 hingga 40 persen, serta penggunaan internet pada daerah

yang tertinggal juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar 23 persen (Kominfo, 2020).

Namun dengan penggunakan internet yang meningkat tersebut, interaksi secara

digital belum mampu membangun jiwa sosial yang maksimal bagi para siswa.

Interaksi secara nyatalah yang akan memberikan dampak lebih terasa. Kecilnya

kesempatan untuk dapat saling berinteraksi secara langsung membuat jiwa sosial

mereka menurun. Mereka hanya menghabiskan sepanjang waktu untuk belajar

dan bergaul secara daring. Mereka tidak menemukan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang

hanya dapat ditemukan dalam interaksi secara langsung, seperti budaya saling

menyapa atau sekedar memberikan senyuman kepada orang-orang di sekitar.


Pandemi membawa banyak perubahan terhadap bangsa Indonesia, salah satunya

pada bidang pendidikan. Setelah pandemi berakhir, pendidikan Indonesia harus

bangkit kembali. Tenaga pendidik harus kreatif dalam beradaptasi kembali dengan

pembelajaran tatap muka. Salah satu inovasi yang dapat dikembangkan adalah

pembelajaran berorientasi soft-skill berbasis learning society. Pembelajaran ini

mengusung konsep kerja sama antara siswa, guru, orang tua, dan lingkungan

masyarakat. Interaksi sosial yang terjadi dapat meningkatkan keterampilan sosial

siswa seperti rasa gotong royong, komunikasi yang baik, bekerja sama,

mengendalikan emosi, skill negosiasi serta manajemen waktu.


Salam Peneliti Muda!

Untuk hasil karya yang lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi:

Instagram: @ukmpenelitianunila

Email: ukmpenelitianunila@gmail.com / ukmpunila@gmail.com

Youtube: UKM Penelitian Unila

Tiktok: ukmpunila



Selama pandemi sejak Februari 2020, muncul kebijakan baru yaitu bekerja,

beribadah bahkan belajar di rumah. Hal tersebut tentu saja membuat negara

Indonesia mengalami perubahan yang cukup terasa. Tidak hanya di bidang

ekonomi, pengaruh pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar pada bidang pendidikan,

dimana semua aspek dalam bidang pendidikan diakses secara online, tercatat

hampir 100% pendidikan dilaksanankan di rumah dengan menggunakan fasilitas

teknologi internet atau disebut dengan pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan)

(Fatwa, 2020: 21).

Setelah mengalami banyak perubahan di bidang pendidikan dikarenakan pandemi

Covid-19, kini pemerintah mulai memberikan izin untuk melakukan pembelajaran

tatap muka bagi wilayah yang tingkat penyebaran Covid-19 di bawah rata-rata,

tentu saja dengan tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Beberapa sekolah telah

broperasi dan kembali mempraktikan pembelajaran luring (luar jaringan) dengan

menggunakan sistem ganjil genap, dengan lama waktu pembelajaran dilakukan

paling lama 25 menit per satu jam mata pelajaran (Sari, 2016: 127-128).

Pembelajaran tatap muka ini dilakukan sebagai penyesuaian bagi pendidikan yang

akan berjalan normal di kemudian hari. Berdasarkan fenomena yang terlihat,

intensitas ketertarikan peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran online sangat

kecil. Adanya pembelajaran daring menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan

kemampuan secara signifikan, memang betul para siswa rajin mengumpulkan tugas

dan melakukan presensi secara bertahap, namun hal tersebut tidak menjamin bahwa

para siswa memamhami materi secara keseluruhan, terlebih pada saat pembelajaran

daring terkadang guru hanya memberikan tugas pada siswa. Betul sekali

bahwasannya internet memiliki sumber belajar dengan cakupan yang sangat luas,

namun tanpa adanya penguatan dari guru itu sendiri pembelajaran tersebut bisa jadi

tidak ada artinya.

Pendidikan pasca pandemi Covid-19 harus siap melakukan gebrakan untuk

transformasi bagi tenaga pendidik dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru yang

meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial dan

kompetensi professional. Sistem perubahan ini menjadi tolak ukur bagaimana cara

pandang dan pola interaksi guru dengan teknologi yang sekarang sudah

berkembang (Syaharuddin, 2020).

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Adhetya Cahyan, Iin Diah Listiana dan Sari

Puteri Deta Larasati (2020) terkait motivasi belajar pada masa pandemi Covid-19,

terdapat penurunan motivasi belajar siswa, hanya sedikit yang berpartisipasi

dan aktif dalam pembelajaran. Karena itulah perlunya peningkatan kualitas guru

dalam menumbuhkan semangat sehingga mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

(Cahyan, dkk, 2020).

Kualitas guru merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting untuk meningkatkan

kualitas pendidikan. Untuk mewujudkan kualitas pendidikan dibutuhkan

kompetensi yang baik dari para guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di sekolah.

Guru dan tenaga kependidikan tersebut perlu dibina, dikembangkan, dan diberikan

penghargaan yang layak sesuai dengan tuntutan visi, misi, dan tugas yang

diembannya (Mulyasa, 2008: 8).

Kondisi rill dari adanya pendidikan sekarang yaitu, pembelajaran online secara

psikologis berdampak kepada kurangnya terjalin hubungan psikologis antar

pendidik dengan peserta didik. Tingkat kedekatan antara guru dengan siswa

berjalan secara mekanik, kurang melibatkan perasaan. Guru juga tidak bisa

memantau atensi siswa terhadap materi yang diberikan, apakah siswa serius

mengikuti pembelajaran atau sambil bermain-main. Masalah tersebut timbul dalam

menghadapi era new normal, maka harus adanya sistem kebijakan yang tegas dalam

meningkatkan kopetensi guru menghadapi tantangan era new normal (Rodiawati,


Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan, seperti kualifikasi guru, pendidikan dan pelatihan,

ujian sertifikasi, dan peluang peningkatan pembelajaran, namun upaya tersebut

tampaknya belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Hal ini terlihat dari rendahnya

prestasi siswa, terutama pasca pandemi Covid-19 seperti saat ini. Bidang

pendidikan perlu penyesuaian, terutama peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran

(Hoesny dan Darmayanti, 2021: 25-26).

Pada essay ini, kami melihat bahwa pendidikan berbasis continuous improvement

dapat menjadi upaya peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam mempersiapkan

pendidikan di era new normal pasca pandemi Covid-19. Agar lembaga pendidikan

dapat merealisasikan visinya, serta terejawantahkan dalam tataran praktis di

lapangan, maka dibutuhkan suatu institusi yang diselenggarakan dan dikelola

secara baik dan berkualitas. Untuk itu, salah satu prasyarat pokok yang harus

dipenuhi adalah tersedianya sumber daya manusia yang profesional dan berkualitas.

Dalam hal ini peningkatan produktivitas dan prestasi kerja dapat dilakukan dengan

meningkatkan perilaku manusia di tempat kerja melalui aplikasi konsep dan teknik

manajemen personalia modern.


Persiapan menghadapi tantangan dunia yang tidak terduga diperlukan adanya

kesiapan dalam menghadapi setiap keadaan dalam dunia pendidikan, hal tersebut

menuntut sebuah lembaga pendidikan untuk terus meningkatkan kualitasnya agar

tetap survive bahkan terus berkembang. Melalui Continuous Improvement

kebutuhan akan proses belajar yang terus menerus dengan jangka dari waktu ke

waktu, setiap anggota dalam organisasi harus menjadi peserta. Gagasan bisa datang

dari siapa pun dalam organisasi, Terus cari peluang baru, Memberdayakan orang

untuk melakukan eksperimen. Dengan karakeristik tersebut maka strategi

penerapan Continuous Improvement dalam pembelajaran di sekolah dapat dibuat

secara lebih jelas.

Penerapan Continuous Improvement dalam dunia pendidikan merupakan langkah

penting, perbaikan dapat tercapai jika setiap guru yang ada di lembaga pendidikan

bekerja sama, menerapkan mutu pada setiap aspek kerja, memahami manfaat

jangka panjang dari perbaikan berkelanjutan, mendorong semua perbaikan baik

besar maupun kecil, serta memfokuskan upaya pencegahan masalah.


Salam Peneliti Muda!

Untuk hasil karya yang lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi:

Instagram: @ukmpenelitianunila

Email: ukmpenelitianunila@gmail.com / ukmpunila@gmail.com

Youtube: UKM Penelitian Unila

Tiktok: ukmpunila


 Latar Belakang

Tahun 2045 menjadi momentum paling penting dalam perjalanan sejarah Indonesia karena pada saat itu Indonesia genap memasuki usia 100 tahun kemerdekaan. Tantangan terbesar Bangsa Indonesia untuk mencapai era emas 2045 adalah pembangunan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Dalam hal ini sudah menjadi keharusan mutlak untuk mempersiapkan generasi emas yang berdaya saing unggul dalam mewujudkan pembangunan Indonesia pada tahun 2045 mendatang. Prasetyo (2019) melaporkan bahwa generasi emas yang diharapkan Indonesia yaitu generasi yang memiliki kecerdasan komprehensif yaitu kreatif, produktif, inovatif, efektif, adaptif, berkarakter, dan memiliki interaksi sosial yang baik. Salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan generasi emas Indonesia pada tahun 2045 yaitu melalui peningkatan jiwa entrepreneurship. Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sandiaga Uno menyatakan bahwa semakin banyak entrepreneur muda, maka turut mendukung Indonesia emas 2045 dalam lingkup bisnis dan ekonomi kreatif (tribunnews.com, 2021). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa entrepreneur merupakan kunci untuk mewujudkan Indonesia emas 2045. 

Di sisi lain, Indonesia akan mendapatkan bonus demografi pada tahun 2045. Bonus demografi ini menjadi harta karun untuk Indonesia dalam memanifestasikan visi dan misi Indonesia emas 2045. Sehingga diperlukan komitmen untuk mewujudkan bonus demografi yang berkualitas. Kemendagri (2021) melaporkan bahwa jumlah penduduk di Indonesia per Juni 2021 yaitu sebanyak 272.229.372 jiwa. Sekitar 70,7% dari jumlah penduduk tersebut berada pada usia produktif (investor.id, 2021) yang berpotensi untuk menjadi seorang entrepreneur muda dan menjadi aktor dalam mewujudkan Indonesia emas 2045. Pudjiastuti (2019) juga melaporkan bahwa generasi muda merupakan agent of change yang perlu memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan dan mampu berpikir inovatif sehingga dapat menciptakan terobosan baru untuk membangun Indonesia. Namun minat berwirausaha bagi generasi muda Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Hal tersebut karena potensi pengembangan jiwa kewirausahaan pada generasi muda belum berjalan secara optimal (Yuliani et al, 2019). Menkop UKM, melaporkan bahwa jumlah wirausaha Indonesia berada paling rendah di Asia Tenggara yaitu hanya sekitar 3,47% dari jumlah populasi (tempo.co, 2021). Padahal Kemenperin (2018) melaporkan bahwa Indonesia membutuhkan 4 juta wirausaha baru untuk menjadi negara yang maju di tahun 2045.

Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan minat wirausaha di kalangan generasi muda masih sangat rendah yaitu belum optimalnya kebijakan pemerintah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan, kurangnya fasilitas pendukung kegiatan wirausaha, dan rendahnya sinergitas budaya entrepreneurship, sehingga diperlukan penanaman jiwa kewirausahaan berbasis digital (Pudjiastuti, 2019). Untuk menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan tersebut maka dibutuhkan proses pendidikan kewirausahaan (Intansih et al, 2021). Menurut Sumarno dan Gimin (2019) pendidikan entrepreneurship penting dilakukan untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang kreatif dan inovatif serta memiliki kecakapan sosial. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan entrepreneurship memiliki urgensi yang tinggi untuk mewujudkan generasi emas Indonesia pada tahun 2045. Sebagai upaya untuk merealisasikan pembentukan jiwa entrepreurship berbasis digital, maka hadir solusi inovatif dari penulis yaitu aplikasi Edubis. Edubis merupakan digital platform berbasis pendidikan entrepreneurship dalam membentuk generasi emas Indonesia pada tahun 2045. Penanaman jiwa entrepreneurship melalui aplikasi Edubis ini sangat penting dilakukan karena entrepreneurship tidak hanya membentuk generasi emas Indonesia, namun juga dapat menciptakan iklim bisnis yang berkelanjutan serta menyediakan lapangan kerja dan mewujudkan pilar-pilar Indonesia emas 2045.


Aplikasi Edubis merupakan digital platform berbasis pendidikan entrepreneurship yang terintegrasi dengan website serta memiliki fitur-fitur unggulan. Aplikasi Edubis merupakan terobosan baru yang memberikan manfaat pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan keberlanjutan. Pada aspek ekonomi aplikasi Edubis dapat meningkatkan minat berwirausaha untuk generasi muda dan meningkatkan jumlah wirausaha di Indonesia. Pada aspek sosial aplikasi Edubis dapat mengatasi masalah pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Sehingga aplikasi Edubis merupakan solusi inovatif yang akan berkontribusi untuk membentuk generasi emas Indonesia melalui peningkatan jiwa kewirausahaan yang dapat mewujudkan Indonesia maju yang berdaulat, adil, dan makmur pada tahun 2045.


Perlu adanya fitur-fitur tambahan dan sistem yang lebih baik agar menghasilkan aplikasi Edubis yang lebih unggul. Sehingga diperlukan kerja sama secara sinergis dari berbagai pihak untuk merealisasikan pengembangan aplikasi Edubis ini di masa depan.

--- Salam Peneliti Muda! Untuk hasil karya yang lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi: Instagram: @ukmpenelitianunila Email: ukmpenelitianunila@gmail.com / ukmpunila@gmail.com Youtube: UKM Penelitian Unila Tiktok: ukmpunila



Indonesia memiliki banyak warisan budaya yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyangnya, baik berupa bangunan, artefak, dan lain-lain. Warisan sejarah adalah warisan budaya masa lampau yang mewakili keluhuran dan kebangsawanan budaya masyarakat. Dengan warisan sejarah tersebut, masyarakat Indonesia dapat belajar dari kekayaan masa lalu untuk menghadapi tantangan era modern saat ini dan masa depan. Warisan sejarah merupakan warisan budaya yang memiliki nilai sejarah, aktivitas manusia yang selalu ada pada zaman dahulu kala, keberadaannya sangat penting dan harus dilindungi serta dilestarikan karena memiliki nilai luhur untuk menunjukkan jati diri dan identitas bangsa (Ekowati, Nggonggoek dan Utomo, 2019).

Kota Bandar Lampung merupakan salah satu kota yang ada di Indonesia di mana notabennya kota dengan sejarah yang cukup panjang, banyak peninggalan cagar budaya yang ada di Bandar Lampung, seperti Kawasan Kota Tua Teluk Betung Selatan memiliki bangunan-bangunan heritage dengan beragam gaya arsitektur Vihara Thay Hin Bio bergaya arsitektur Tiongkok, Masjid Jami’ Al-Anwar bergaya arsitektur Islam Nusantara, dan beberapa rumah dan toko dengan gaya arsitektur lndia dan gaya arsitektur kolonial. Kawasan Tanjung Karang memiliki Gedong Air, Rumah Daswati banyak lagi bangunan bersejarah yang termasuk dalam cagar budaya lainnya (Mufid, 2020 ; Taryono, 2014). 

Kawasan cagar budaya atau tempat-tempat penting budaya merupakan catatan sejarah yang penting dan ekspresi sejati dari identitas suatu kota. Sehingga semua peninggalan sejarah bermanfaat untuk dilestarikan dan menjadi peradaban suatu bangsa (Wartha, 2016). Pembangunan fisik perkotaan tanpa memperhatikan warisan yang telah ada baik dari segi bangunan, kawasan, tatanan masyarakat, dan yang lainnya, akan merubah wajah kota sehingga nilai-nilai yang tertanam di sebuah kota akan hilang (Bramasta, Rindarjono dan Sarwono, 2015). Namun pada kenyataannya, masih banyak bangunan kuno dan bersejarah yang mengalami kerusakan dan tidak mendapatkan perhatian dari pemerintah pusat ataupun pemerintah daerah, hingga dimiliki pihak perseorangan (Hidayat, 2019). Seperti Rumah Deswati yang memiliki peran besar dalam sejarah berdirinya Provinsi Lampung, namun bangunan tersebut kini tak terawat dan beberapa bagian telah mengalami kerusakan (Kupastuntas, 2018). Di kawasan Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung yang memiliki banyak bangunan sejarah, namun banyak bangunan yang menjadi sasaran tangan jahil atau vandalisme, mencorat-coret bangunan sehingga sangat kotor. Beberapa bangunan pun sudah terlihat usang, dengan cat yang terkelupas (Network, 2021). Kondisi yang demikian merupakan ancaman serius bagi kota secara tidak langsung karena dapat mempercepat penurunan kualitas fungsional, visual, maupun lingkungan (Octadynata, Andyzon, Citra Persada, Endro Prasetyo, 2020). Murti dan Holi (2012) mengemukakan bahwa untuk menjaga setiap peninggalan budaya yang dimiliki oleh suatu kota perlu adanya bentuk upaya pelestarian terhadap urban heritage.

Pelestarian warisan budaya kota (urban heritage) menjadi isu yang berkembang  cukup pesat. Jaringan kemitraan antara kota bersejarah menjadi satu wadah yang penting  dalam mengembangkan strategi manajemen pengelolaan terpadu dan inovatif dalam  pelestarian warisan budaya kota. Tujuan dibentuknya jaringan kemitraan ini cenderung  kepada bagaimana memfasilitasi keseimbangan yang tepat antara pelestarian nilai yang ada  pada warisan budaya kota dengan pembangunan ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya.  Keseimbangan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan daya tarik yang pada akhirnya akan menumbuhkan kepedulian terhadap kelestarian khususnya masyarakat lokal yang menjadi  bagian penting dari nilai penting yang ada pada kota bersejarah tersebut. Strategi tersebut  dilakukan melalui penekanan pada pengelolaan yang tidak sesuai dengan kepentingan  pemanfaatan, justru hal yang menjadi menarik untuk dikembangkan adalah bagaimana  potensi yang dimiliki oleh sebuah warisan budaya kota (urban heritage) dapat  dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya.


Pelestarian warisan budaya kota (urban heritage) memiliki tujuan untuk memfasilitasi bentuk keseimbangan pelestarian warisan budaya kota.  Pelestarian ini berkembang cukup pesat dan terdapat di Kota Bandar Lampung. Hal ini, menjadi salah satu wadah penting yang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri kepada masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat lokal yang menjadi bagian dalam prosesnya. Pelestarian warisan budaya kota (urban heritage) memiliki metode pendekatan yang digunakan, yaitu pendekatan heritage urban landscape (HUL) dan Pendekatan Rencana Manajemen Terpadu Warisan Budaya (Cultural Heritage Integred Management Plans/CHIMP). Pendekatan ini diperlukan guna untuk menyeimbangkan dan mengkoordinasikan antara kebutuhan warisan budaya dengan masyarakat setempat. Pada sistem menejemen pelestariannya memerlukan segenap proses dan tahapan untuk pendekatan serta langkah yang tepat dalam mengelola pembangunan berkelanjutan ini. Seperti bangunan yang terdapat di Kawasan Kota Tua Teluk Betung Selatan yang harus dikelola pelestarian dengan rencana menejemen terpadu untuk warisan budaya dalam pelestarian urban heritage di Kota Bandar Lampung. Pendekatan tersebut tentunya memberi manfaat yang spesifik dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan lingkungan.



The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in Indonesia in 25 years is 36%. Hypercholesterolemia is one of the risks of non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and it causes death and disability. The main causes of hypercholesterolemia or increased cholesterol in the blood are the intake of foods with saturated fat content, an unbalanced diet, and bad habits. Treatments for cholesterol have been developed, but these treatments have various side effects. Oatmeal is one of the foods that can lower cholesterol levels. However, the raw material for making oatmeal is not cultivated in Indonesia. In this research, the author innovates to make oatmeal from local food ingredients, namely purple sweet potato, with stevia leaf extract and telang leaf. This research uses the literature study method, organoleptic test, proximate test, and phytochemical test. The results showed that purple sweet potato and Clitoria ternatea contain anthocyanin, a type of flavonoid compound. The content of flavonoids in purple sweet potato can reduce total cholesterol in the blood by increasing the excretion of bile acids. Meanwhile, the ethanolic extract of stevia leaves and Clitoria ternatea also showed promising activity in lowering cholesterol.

Keywords: Clitoria ternatea, Cholesterol, Oatmeal, Stevia, and Purple Sweet Potato

1. Introduction

Cholesterol is a component of fat needed by the body as a source of energy. The normal cholesterol level in the blood is 150-200 mg/dl. If it exceeds this value, there will be an increase in cholesterol levels or hypercholesterolemia[1]. Hypercholesterolemia is a health problem in Indonesia. This statement is evidenced by data reporting that the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in Indonesia at the age of 25 years reaches 36%[2]. Basic Health Research also reported that as many as 35.9% of the Indonesian population in the age group 15 years had cholesterol levels above normal[3].

Hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In addition, hypercholesterolemia is estimated to cause 2.6 million deaths and 29.7 million disabilities per year[4].

There are medications to lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein/bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein/good cholesterol). However, this treatment has side effects such as myopathy[5]. Thus, preventive measures are needed to reduce LDL and minimize side effects. 

Oatmeal is a food that can lower LDL without lowering HDL. However, oats are not cultivated in Indonesia, so they need to be imported from other countries. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate in processing oatmeal based on local food, but still be healthy and can lower cholesterol.

One of the local food ingredients that can reduce blood cholesterol levels is purple sweet potato with total production reaching 1,914,244 tons in 2018[6]. The anthocyanin content in purple sweet potato can inhibit cholesterol absorption in the digestive tract[7]. 

Another potential that can reduce cholesterol levels is Clitoria ternatea and stevia leaf. Clitoria ternatea contains anthocyanins which can lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol[8]. Meanwhile, stevia leaf extract can be an antilipidemic that can reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, very low- density lipoprotein, and increase HDL[9].

To overcome cholesterol disease, researchers innovate by utilizing local Indonesian potential, purple sweet potato, as an ingredient for making oatmeal formulated with extracts of Clitoria ternatea and stevia leaf. Oatmeal has a complete nutritional content and can reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. This oatmeal innovation also has a great opportunity because it is a food that is easy to serve.

4. Conclusion

Based on the research results that have been done, it can be concluded that purple sweet potato, Clitoria ternatea extract, and stevia leaf extract can reduce cholesterol levels and are used as ingredients for making oatmeal to treat cholesterol risk. The organoleptic test showed that 41 panelists said they liked the color, 39 liked the texture, 44 liked the aroma, and 44 liked the product's taste.


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Jumat, 04 November 2022

Underground Smart City: The Concept of a Futuristic City Based on Defense and Security Technology Through Smart Area Management and a Sustainable Environment



The city is a network system of human life, characterized by a dense population

concentration use marked by heterogeneous social groups and whose economic

activities are not from the agricultural sector. Meanwhile, urban areas have main non-

agricultural activities with the arrangement of area functions as urban settlements,

centralization, and distribution of government services, social services, and economic

activities. The development of infrastructure and residential areas, seen in every corner

of the city, has a vital role in Indonesia's economic growth (Suriani and Keusuma,

2015). Many problems often occur in meeting the needs of each community's life. The

development of the city center, which is the center of economic activity, becomes an

attraction for the community, which influences the high flow of labor, both from within

the city itself and from outside, thus causing high urbanization flows.

The high population in the city center requires the fulfillment of the need for

decent housing, primarily to accommodate urbanists whose work is concentrated in the

trade and service sectors in the commercial areas of the city center. The influence of

the population that continues to grow is not balanced by the availability of land, so

many developing cities tend to ignore the basic rules regarding building procurement,

such as the type of space, the quality of materials, the distance between buildings, and

road boundaries. And if we look at the increasing number of residents every year and

changes in the physical environment of the area due to human activities, it can lead to

increasingly dense urban spaces, low-quality buildings, chaotic traffic, lack of

reforestation, frequent flooding, etc (Surtiani, 2016). This causes the condition of the

city to get worse day by day.

Although economic growth has increased due to development, behind it all, the

level of public stress is very high, the lack of comfort and security in people's daily

lives makes the quality of life of the community decline, the number of people who are

sick continues to increase, so the number of people with high quality continues to grow.

Declined, and in the end, the economically developed city suffered a setback in many

ways. The high crime rate is also a problem that must be fixed. An example is the city

of Jakarta, one of the cities with a large population density with a high crime rate.

In addition to the dense population, lack of land, irregular spatial planning, and

high crime rates, other problems need attention, such as natural disasters, which are

one of the factors that cause Indonesian people to flock to find shelter safe from

disasters. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) reports that there

have been 2,654 natural disasters that have hit Indonesia from January 1 to October 4,

2022. Based on the type, flooding is still the most frequent natural disaster in Indonesia,

with 1,048 incidents. That number equals to 39.48 percent of the total disaster incidents

until early October this year. Extreme weather is the most common natural disaster in

the following country, with 852 incidents in the same period. They are then, followed

by 469 landslides and 239 forest and land fires. Furthermore, there were also 21

earthquakes and tidal abrasion events each, followed by four drought events. As a result

of the national disaster, 3.02 million people were affected and had to evacuate. While

156 people died, 784 people were injured, and 27 people were missing. The natural

disaster also damaged 30,542 houses, with details of 5,023 heavily damaged, 5,321

moderately damaged, and 20,198 lightly damaged. Not only that, as many as 856 public

facilities were also reported to have been injured, including 474 damaged educational

facilities, 307 damaged worship facilities, and 75 damaged health facilities.

Based on this, the author has an idea, namely to build an underground city

designed for land consolidation and reconstruct disaster-resistant city infrastructure and

spatial planning with the concept of an intelligent area by integrating the most modern

technology. By leveraging existing technology, expected to optimize the efficiency of

city operations and services connected to the community, this innovative area

technology allows city officials to interact directly with the community and city

infrastructure, as well as monitor what is happening in the city and how the city is

developing. The underground town, with this smart area concept, was also designed to

manage urban flows and enable real-time response. And because of that, he created this

futuristic underground city, better equipped to respond to challenges than a

conventional city with a transactional relationship with its citizens.


The city is a network of human life which is characterized by a dense population

concentration, while the urban area is an area as a place for urban settlements,

centralization and distribution of government services, social services and economic

activities. The high population in the city center requires the fulfillment of the need for

decent housing, especially to accommodate urbanists whose work is concentrated in

the trade and service sectors in the commercial areas in the city center. Thus, to solve

this problem the author has the idea of building an underground city designed for land

consolidation, and reconstructing disaster-resistant urban infrastructure and spatial

planning with the concept of a smart area by integrating the most modern technology.

Today's Smart Cities have been invented all over the world and defined by the

use of innovative communication technologies that are used to optimize resource use,

increase cost efficiency, save energy, improve transportation systems, and monitor and

manage the infrastructure that keeps cities running smoothly. Modern smart city

technologies help reduce environmental impact and make city life easier and more

efficient while offering residents a better quality of life. Smart cities in general are

currently experiencing various developments in their innovations. One of them is by

implementing the Underground Smart City.

Underground Smart City focuses on futuristic city concepts based on the

application of underground smart city defense technology based on world security

procedures through smart urban area management and striving for a sustainable

environment in order to create the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Underground Smart City based on defense and security technology will be a solution,

especially for countries that have a high population growth rate, disaster-prone areas,

and have a limited area. This solution can be implemented into a smart urban area and

based on a sustainable environment if it can be managed optimally and appropriately,

both in terms of planning and up to the evaluation stage. Some of the parties involved

in implementing the underground smart city are the Government, the community, the

private sector, and Infrastructure Engineering and Technology. The steps in

implementing the program include preparation, planning, testing, socialization, and

monitoring and evaluation. In addition, to be able to realize the idea, a clear and detailed

timeline is needed so that efforts to implement Underground Smart City can be

achieved properly.


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Rabu, 02 November 2022

Braille Comics As An Innovation In The Development Of Mathematics Geometry Learning Modules For Blind Students


The objectives of this study are: (1) Realizing the effectiveness of Geometry Braille Comics in improving the geometry ability of blind students. (2) Make Geometry Braille Comics an interesting learning module for visually impaired students. (3) Support the sustainability of the Geometry Braille Comics learning module in extraordinary schools. The method used in this study is research and development, this method is used to produce innovative learning media for geometry braille comics. The steps for developing learning media with the ADDIE model that consists of 5 stages, including: (1) analysis stage, (2) design stage, (3) the development phase, (4) the implementation phase, and (5) the evaluation phase. The data collection techniques use the literature study and questionnaire method. This study used descriptive qualitative data analysis. Furthermore, a feasibility analysis was carried out to find out whether the material in braille comics made was in accordance with the needs of visually impaired students. The result showed that 90% of respondent said strongly agree and 10% agree with the innovative aspect of Braille Comic. Then, 85% of respondent said strongly agree and 15% agree with the usability aspect of Braille Comic. The Braille Comic has a benefit in developing blind student’s geometry skill, an innovation in mathematic learning product, and social aspect such as employ people for the development of this braille comic. Therefore this braille comic can be an innovative product to develop blind student’s geometry skills in Indonesia.

Keywords: Braille, Comic, Mathematic, Education

1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Mathematics is one of the compulsory lessons taught at every level of school. Mathematics is a very important tool learned by students, mathematics is used to solve problems in science and everyday life, mathematics can also help students to think creatively and critically and be able to understand the world [1]. One of the branches of mathematics that has been the subject matter since elementary school is geometry. The learning of mathematics in the field of geometry at the level of basic education usually begins in a simple way, that is, from concrete to abstract, from intuitive to analytical, from exploration to mastery over a sufficiently long period of time, as well as from the simplest to the highest stages. Geometry skills are one of the basic mathematical abilities that are important to learn. The geometry provides the foundation for the development of mind and knowledge. It plays a vital role in everyday life to identify shapes and understand the material used in routine life [2].

The many skills acquired after studying geometry, make the topic of geometry exist and continue to be developed in a variety of teaching materials and interesting learning media in order to achieve the expected competencies. However, differences in students; abilities can affect the level of speed of understanding of the topic being studied, coupled with those who are born with an irreversible limitation.

Students with visual impairments are among the students who have limitations. The visually impaired are idiots who have only less than 0.3 (60/200) acuity in vision or individuals who have a degree of abnormalities in vision function, the individual is someone who has great difficulty in reading writings and illustrations even though in reading activities have used reading tools, for example magnifying lenses [3]. They are unable to use or are visually impaired, so there is often a lot of misperceptions among the public. If you look at the media and props available for the learning of blind children, the condition is very concerning, because there are not many of them and even then sometimes they cannot be used by visually impaired children, this is because, among others, in their manufacture they do not pay attention to the obstacles that exist in blind children [4]. Thus, it is very natural that the learning achievement of blind children in mathematics subjects tends to be low compared to other fields.

Blind people need special attention and service without distinguishing them from other normal humans. When studying mathematics, the thing that must be considered is the possibility of misperceptions when studying mathematics. Visually impaired children tend to have difficulty in learning to classify objects on the basis of one prominent characteristic or certain criteria related to shape, breadth/depth, or recognizing colors can even be done at all. The process of receiving information of visually impaired people is only obtained through other senses (other than the eyes) due to the limitations or inadequacies they have. Another obstacle encountered by visually impaired students when they learn mathematics is that the active role of the visual senses is needed to receive a lot of mathematical material so that concrete media is needed that can help replace their visual role [5].

Based on this, there is a need for a learning medium that focuses on their other senses, namely their sense of touch. One way that can be done is the use of numbers and braille letters so that students can understand the material well. Braille is an effective medium for mutual communication for the visually impaired. Braille letters were developed by Louis Braille who came from France in 1834 [6].

The various difficulties experienced by the visually impaired in learning geometry do not hinder them from continuing to learn and make them unworthy of learning geometry concepts as students can see [7]. The way that can be done to overcome these difficulties is to use suitable and effective learning media. The use of learning media can indirectly affect the enthusiasm and interest of students in following learning activities. The interest and enthusiasm of students in the learning process is expected to improve the quality of learning so that the results obtained are as expected [8]. Various media can be applied in mathematics learning, one of which is the use of comic media. Today educators are beginning to realize the power of comic media by using them as a learning medium. Wright Sherman argue that comics have a certain appeal in school-age children, because in general students feel comfortable in combining information in the form of visuals and texts present in comics [9].

Comic media can be used as one of the learning media in education if the comic media is designed according to student needs and adapted to the material to be delivered, for example in Mathematics learning [10]. Mathematics teaching materials should be able to change the abstract nature of mathematics to be more real and easily understood by students [11]. The presentation of mathematics lesson materials in the form of comic learning media can help blind people understand the material to be taught. Comics have a simple, clear and easy-to-understand nature so that they become an informative and educational medium [12]. With the guidance of the teacher, comics can function in fostering interest in reading according to the level of thinking of students, which in turn can increase motivation and achievement in learning mathematics [13].

Comics can be used as a learning medium. In the journal he wrote, mathematics learning using the medium of learning comics, provides evidence effectively to increase the motivation that students have and and achievements towards the material studied [14]. In addition, comic media has a positive influence on students learning motivatior and reading skills [11]. The similarity between the two journals is that both use comic media as a medium to increase student motivation, but do not see the use of comic media in helping students understand learning materials. Based on the description that has been presented, further research is carried out which aims to find out the use of comics in mathematics learning whether it helps students in learning and understanding difficult concepts. This research was also conducted to see whether learning using comics does not make students feel more difficult in learning Mathematics because the material will be transformed into a conversational form.

4. Conclusion

The braille comic uses the comic based on braille as a media to develop blind student’s geometry skill. Geometry skills are one of the basic mathematical abilities that are important to learn. Learning geometry provides many basic skills and helps build logic thinking skills to the students who learn it. Braille comic can help blind student to learn about geometry more effective. As for Braille Comic Making process there are 7 step, that is braille comic design, convert to braille comic, printing, preparing the page, makes the other object, binding process, and quality check. Based on questionnaire that have been conducted, the results are 90% of respondent said strongly agree, 10% agree, and no one said disagree or strongly disagree with the innovative aspect of Braille Comic. Then, 85% of respondent said strongly agree, 15% agree, and no one said disagree or strongly disagree with the usability aspect of Braille Comic. The Braille Comic has a benefit in developing blind student’s geometry skill, an innovation in mathematic learning product, and social aspect such as employ people for the development of this braille comic. This will make Braille Comic as an innovative product that has so many advantages. Therefore this braille comic can be an innovative product to develop blind student’s geometry skills in Indonesia.


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Selasa, 01 November 2022

Pebarise (Pesisir Barat Paradise): Optimizing the Development of Tourism Potential Areas with an Augmented Reality System as an Effort to Implement Industry 4.0


Indonesia has great tourism potential because it is one of the countries with the most islands in the world. This makes the tourism sector in Indonesia an alternative sector to boost the Indonesian economy. Lampung Province has many regional tourist destinations that are often visited by local and foreign tourists, one of which is the Pesisir Barat Regency. Potential tourism is found in the Pesisir Barat, namely beach tourism, religious or cultural tourism, ecotourism, and event tourism. It is necessary to optimize the development of the Pesisir Barat tourism potential area by implementing an augmented reality system as an effort to implement industry 4.0 to increase the interest and travel experience of tourists when traveling on the Pesisir Barat. With the literature study research method, the author offers innovation to be able to optimize the development of the Pesisir Barat tourism potential area by using an augmented reality system as an effort to implement industry 4.0, which can be an additional income for the Province of Lampung and the State of Indonesia, and support SDGs point 8, namely decent work. and economic growth as well as SDGs point 9, namely industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Keywords: Tourism, Pesisir Barat, Augmented Reality, SDGs

1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Indonesia has great tourism potential because it is one of the countries with the most islands in the world. This makes the tourism sector in Indonesia an alternative sector to boost the Indonesian economy. The tourism sector has a role in national development to increase and equalize employment opportunities and as an additional source of foreign exchange earnings [1]. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2020 the cumulative number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia was recorded at around 4,05 million people and decreased to 1,65 in 2021. This fact has caused the country's foreign exchange earnings from the tourism sector to decline.

Lampung Province has many regional tourist destinations that are often visited by local and foreign tourists, one of which is the Pesisir Barat Regency. This district is the youngest district in Lampung Province with an area of ± 2.907,23 km2. Pesisir Barat is a very rich district in tourism potential, nature, and culture. 

The Pesisir Barat has a large marine tourism potential with a beach length of 210 km [2]. Coastal tourism in the Pesisir Barat is one of the leading sectors that are often visited by tourists because these tours have the characteristic beauty of the charm of the sea [3]. This district has many beaches with international quality waves so it is often visited by tourists. Other tourist objects in the Pesisir Barat include religious or cultural tourism, ecotourism, and event tourism [4]. 

Therefore, the author offers innovation to optimize the tourism potential in the Pesisir Barat by using an augmented reality system as an effort to implement industry 4.0. The use of this augmented reality system is believed to be able to increase the interest and travel experience of tourists while traveling on the Pesisir Barat.

4. Conclusion

Indonesia as one of the countries known to have wealth with the most islands in the world has great potential in the tourism sector. Where this sector is an alternative sector to encourage the economy in Indonesia in increasing and equalizing employment opportunities and as a source of foreign exchange-earners. Lampung Province has many tourist destinations that are often visited by local and foreign tourists. Pesisir Barat Regency as one of the regions in Lampung Province has tremendous potential so that it can be developed into mainstay tourism in Lampung. It was noted that the very large number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia, such as Pisang Island and Labuhan Jukung, averaged more than 130 thousand tourist visits every year from 2016-2019. The presence of the internet in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 also contributes to the tourism sector, one of which is through the creation of Augmented Reality (AR)-based applications. In this way, there is a pleasant interaction between the community and the computer, a combination of the virtual world and the real world that brings virtual objects into the user's environment. With this access, people can easily access applications freely anytime and anywhere. Therefore, there is a need for cooperation from the government to accelerate the completion of infrastructure projects, as well as through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy or the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, the Lampung Provincial Tourism Office, the Pesisir Barat Regency Office, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, tourist attractions managers, as well as support from the wider community that encourages the development of tourist attractions to be able to further strengthen tourism promotion to encourage investments. This is important because various parties will contribute to each other, for example in the provision of lodging, places to eat, souvenir centers, and also foreign exchange that is exchanged for rupiah into foreign exchange for the country. Thus, the tourism sector has become the second largest foreign exchange earner in Indonesia, after coal and Crude Palm Oil (CPO).


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Since the enachtment of ethical politics during the reign of the Dutch East Indies, there has been development in the irrigation sector. One of the places that Dutch Colonial Government built irrigation channels was the Way Tebu Irrigation network. This research was conducted to reveal the development of Way Tebu Irrigation which has an impact on agrarian development ini realizing Sustainable Development Goals for the Pringsewu Community. The type of research used qualitative with a historical approach. The results of this study indicate that since the Dutch Colonial era until Now the Way Tebu Irrigation network has not undergone significant changes so that its authenticity is maintained. The Way Tebu Irrigation network is the lifeblood for agriculture in Pringsewu and its surrounding. Through this Way Tebu Irrigation network, agricultural lands become fertile and fish farming is running well. The results of the commodity other than for personal consumption by local farmers, but also distributed to various regions through existing factories. The existence of the Way Tebu irrigatin networksnis able to prosper the Pringsewu community and be able to realize the suistanable development goals for the Pringsewu community,

Keywords: The Way Tebu Irrigations, SDGs Pringsewu Community


Since the enactment of ethical politics in Pringsewu, the Dutch began to build irrigation canals. One of them is the Way Tebu irrigation canal in the Pringsewu area which has been studied since 1917 in several river areas such as Way Sekampung, Way Nenep, and Way Tebu which completed mapping its topographic conditions in 1922. The program was finally realized in 1927 and ended in 1936. The construction of this irrigation canal was able to irrigate an area of 3,740 Baus that were able to stimulate the expansion of rice fields and plantations which ultimately increased rice production in Lampung, thus successfully making a surplus of shipments to Batavia since 1936 (Kristian, 2019: 166). 

The population of Lampung after the completion of the Way Tebu irrigation project continues to increase every year. This condition made the old colonists in Pringsewu experience labor shortages when the harvest season arrived, so the old colonists asked the leader of colonization to bring family and friends who came from Java to help cut rice during the harvest season. Karesidenan Lampung was only able to meet the need for food (rice) after the Way Tebu III irrigation network was completed in 1936, this is demonstrated by the success of exporting rice out of the area for the first time (Karsiwan, et al, 2013: 8).

Irrigation is the use of groundwater for the provision of water necessary for crop growth (Priyonugroho, 2014: 459). Way Tebu irrigation development sector in Pringsewu is a continuation of the construction of the Way Tebu irrigation sector in Tanggamus which was carried out in 1927 in the Pondok Mas area and into the Pringsewu Regency area. The process of building the Way Tebu sector involves residents with royong every weekend for 20 days every year. This irrigation network is divided into two directions, namely to the area to the gutter in Pajaresuk with a distance of 933 m from the main sadap building and empties into the flow of the Way Sekampung River, while the other flow goes to the Way Buluk and Way Tebu Rivers and empties into yogyakarta village of Gading Rejo District pringsewu regency (Karsiwan, et al, 2013: 7).

The success of the construction of Way Tebu irrigation to date remains able to become the main support of agriculture in pringsewu area as one of the rice producing areas in Lampung (Prayitno, 2020: 95). The existence of Way Tebu irrigation canals becomes its own advantage to food security strengthening agrarian pringsewu community. Agrarian in the dictionary means as a matter of agriculture, land ownership,while agrarian means agriculture, about farmers or the way of lifeof farmers, is agricultural (Fathoni, 2018:356).

According to Food Law No. 7 of 1996 on food security, the condition of meeting food needs for households is reflected in the availability of food sufficiently, both from the amount and quality, safe, equitable and affordable (Suharyanto, 2011: 186). To support sustainable agriculture and improve the quality of life of the Pringsewu community developed a Way Tebu irrigation channel that is able to sustain the food needs of the community without hunger which is one of the points in the 17 points in the SDGs. SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals, which is a document that will be a reference within the framework of development and negotiation of countries in the world. The Sustainable Development Goals are defined as a framework for the next 15 years to 2030 (Wahyuningsih, 2017: 392). Poverty is still an important and major issue that wants to be improved in achieving the SDGs. The global goal of the SDGs is that without poverty, there is no poverty of any kind in all corners of the world (Ishartono and Raharjo, 2016: 165). In realizing a world without poverty, a sustainable food security is needed that aims to turn food self-sufficiency into food independence and turn increased food production into an increase in the incomes of farmers and rural communities (Suryana, 2014: 132).

This condition is also supported by the quality of water resources channeled through the irrigation of Way Tebu. This has an impact on the development of food crop varieties since the construction of the irrigation canal. Based on the background above, researchers are interested in formulating and reviewing through a study entitled "Irrigation Way Tebu Past 1927- 1936: Reflections on Agrarian Strengthening in Realizing Sustainable Development Goals of Pringsewu Society".


Way Tebu irrigation is one of the evidences of the Dutch colonial legacy as a result of the implementation of ethical political policies. Way Tebu irrigation is a fixed type dam with solid rock construction. Since the Dutch colonial era, the Way Tebu irrigation channel has maintained its authenticity because there have been no significant renovations. Repairs are carried out by the the relevant agency every 5 years or according to the damage that occurs. The repairs that are usually carried out are changing channel doors and extracting sediment and repairing irrigation walls. Way Tebu irrigation or commonly called the Way Tebu System has 4 main channels, namely Way Tebu I, Way Tebu II, Way Tebu III and Way Tebu IV. The Way Tebu irrigation canals are interconnected and capable of irrigating agricultural land belonging to the Pringsewu community. The majority of Pringsewu people work as farmers and fishers. The commodity products are rice, cocoa, papaya pepper, and porang. In the field of fisheries, the community cultivates catfish, carp, and tilapia. The need for water in the fisheries sector is also sourced form the Way Tebu irrigation cahnnel. With the Way Tebu irrigation, the community lives in prosperity and is able to realize the Sustainable Development Goals for the Pringsewu community. Comodity products, apart from being consumed personally, are also distribute outside the city through exsiting factories. This proves that Way Tebu irrigation can be said to be the economic lifeblood of the Pringsewu community.


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Desa Sidowaluyo berada di sebelah timur Kota Bandarlampung, yaitu Kecamatan

Sidomulyo, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Mayoritas mata pencaharian penduduk

di Desa Sidowaluyo bekerja sebagai petani. Selain itu, penduduk di Desa

Sidowaluyo juga banyak yang beternak sapi di belakang rumahnya. Akan tetapi

penduduk di Desa Sidowaluyo belum memanfaatkan kotoran sapi secara optimal,

sehingga banyak ditemukan kotoran sapi di sekitaran wilayah tersebut. Apabila

tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik, kotoran sapi akan menimbulkan dampak bagi

lingkungan berupa pencemaran udara, air, tanah dan dapat memicu sumber

penyakit. Padahal, kotoran sapi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk kompos yang

dapat menyuburkan tanah dan tanaman. Disisi lain banyaknya lahan kosong di

Desa Sidowaluyo belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Tujuan pengabdian ini

adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dengan memanfaatkan lahan kosong di Desa

Sidowaluyo sebagai pertanian sehat berbasis hidroponik dan dikombinasikan

dengan metode tanam konvensional. Selain itu, pengabdian ini juga bertujuan

untuk membuat pupuk kompos dari kotoran sapi sebagai penyubur alami tanah

pada tanaman. Indikator keberhasilan dari program ini adalah bertambahnya

pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Sidowaluyo mengenai pertanian sehat,

meningkatkan pemanfaatan lahan kosong, mencukupi kebutuhan pangan

masyarakat, dan menjadi objek percontohan pertanian sehat di Provinsi Lampung.

Pelaksanaan program ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu sosialisasi

dan lokakarya, pelatihan pembuatan greenhouse, pelatihan pembuatan kompos,

pelatihan budidaya sayuran sehat, pelatihan dan praktek pemanenan, pelatihan

pemasaran, monitoring, dan evaluasi. Gagasan/gambaran IPTEK yang diusulkan

adalah pertanian berkelanjutan berbasis greenhouse dengan memanfaatkan pupuk

organik dari kotoran sapi dalam menciptakan pertanian sehat tanpa menggunakan

pestisida. Sehingga, program ini dapat mengembangkan potensi pertanian dengan

mengoptimalkan keberadaan lahan kosong dan kotoran sapi di Desa Sidowaluyo

secara berkelanjutan.

Kata Kunci

Greenhouse; Hidroponik; Pertanian; Pupuk Kompos


Desa Sidowaluyo berada di sebelah timur Kota Bandarlampung, yaitu Kecamatan

Sidomulyo, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Desa Sidowaluyo memiliki luas

wilayah 14 km2 yang terdiri dari tanah pemukiman, jalan, perkantoran, kuburan,

pekarangan, bangunan sekolah, lapangan olahraga, dan tempat ibadah. Desa

Sidowaluyo memiliki iklim tropis dengan curah hujan rata rata 2000 s/d 3000

mm, dan suhu rata-rata harian 28-30°C serta wilayahnya merupakan dataran

rendah, sehingga cocok untuk pengembangan pertanian. Pada tahun 2011, Desa

Sidowaluyo ditetapkan sebagai kawasan agropolitan. Kawasan agropolitan

merupakan kawasan yang terdiri dari satu atau lebih pusat kegiatan yang saling

terkait dalam mengembangkan pertanian sebagai sistem produksi dan pengelolaan

sumber daya alam tertentu yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya keterkaitan fungsional

serta satuan sistem permukiman dan agribisnis. Jumlah penduduk di Desa

Sidowaluyo sebanyak 6.870 orang. Mayoritas mata pencaharian penduduk Desa

Sidowaluyo bekerja sebagai petani, yaitu sebanyak 2.046 orang. Penduduk desa

masih menerapkan budaya gotong royong dalam bertani dan saling bahu

membahu. Selain bekerja sebagai petani, penduduk Desa Sidowaluyo juga banyak

yang beternak sapi di belakang rumahnya.

Penduduk di Desa Sidowaluyo belum memanfaatkan kotoran sapi secara optimal,

sehingga banyak ditemukan kotoran sapi di sekitaran wilayah tersebut. Apabila

tidak dimanfaatkan, limbah peternakan dan pertanian akan menimbulkan dampak

bagi lingkungan berupa pencemaran udara, air, tanah, menjadi sumber penyakit,

dapat memicu peningkatan gas metan serta menimbulkan gangguan pada estetika

dan kenyamanan [1]. Setiap satu ekor sapi dapat menghasilkan kotoran berkisar

antara 8 – 10 kg per hari yang setara dengan 1,5-2 ton per tahun pupuk organik

[2]. Limbah ternak memiliki potensi yang dapat dikelola menjadi pupuk organik

seperti kompos untuk meningkatkan daya dukung lingkungan, meningkatkan

produksi tanaman, meningkatkan pendapatan petani, dan mengurangi dampak

pencemaran terhadap lingkungan [3]; [1]. Disisi lain, banyaknya lahan kosong di

Desa Sidowaluyo belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh masyarakat. Padahal

kondisi lingkungan di Desa Sidowaluyo cocok untuk digunakan sebagai tempat

budidaya pertanian khususnya sayuran dan buah-buahan berbasis hidroponik.

Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pengelolaan pupuk kompos dan

pemanfaatan lahan kosong masih belum sempurna. Padahal pupuk kompos

merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas

tanaman. Keunggulan dari pupuk kompos ini diantaranya yaitu lebih ramah

lingkungan, menambah pendapatan peternak, dan meningkatkan kesuburan tanah

dengan memperbaiki kerusakan fisik tanah akibat pemakaian pupuk anorganik

(kimia) secara berlebihan [4]. Sementara itu, budidaya secara hidroponik dapat

memberikan hasil produksi tanaman yang lebih tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan waktu

yang dibutuhkan dalam proses budidaya hidroponik lebih efisien. Oleh karena itu,

masyarakat perlu untuk mengetahui tentang sistem pertanian hidroponik dengan

memanfaatkan lahan kosong yang dimiliki serta potensi kotoran sapi yang tidak


Sistem hidroponik yang akan dikembangkan adalah pembuatan rumah pangan

lestari/greenhouse. Pembangunan greenhouse akan dibangun pada lahan milik

Desa Sidowaluyo yang akan digunakan untuk budidaya tanaman sayuran sehat

secara hidroponik dan tanam konvensional dalam menghasilkan produk pertanian

non-pestisida. Pembuatan greenhouse ini bertujuan agar petani bisa menjadi lebih

cerdas dengan memanfaatkan teknologi serta dapat mengontrol tanaman dengan

baik. Tanaman yang rencananya akan ditanam yaitu pakcoy, selada merah, selada

hijau, kailan, seledri, bayam merah, bayam hijau, cabai, daun bawang, dan tomat.

Tanaman ini dipilih karena memiliki harga jual tinggi, cepat dalam

pemanenannya, dan memiliki nilai gizi yang sangat baik. Selain itu, media

tanaman dapat dirancang dengan berbagai cara misalnya dibuat secara bertingkat

ataupun horizontal sesuai dengan luasan lahan yang ada.

Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka kami mengusulkan suatu program

pengabdian yaitu pertanian sehat berbasis hidroponik dan tanaman konvensional

sebagai optimalisasi lahan kosong di Desa Sidowaluyo, Lampung Selatan. Tujuan

pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dengan memanfaatkan lahan

kosong di Desa Sidowaluyo sebagai pertanian sehat berbasis hidroponik dan

dikombinasikan dengan metode tanam konvensional. Selain itu, pengabdian ini

juga bertujuan untuk membuat pupuk kompos dari kotoran sapi sebagai penyubur

alami tanah pada tanaman.

Samora Flakes: Innovation of Banana Peel Cereals and Moringa Leaf Extracts as Stunting Prevention Efforts in Toddlers to Realizing Global Nutrition Targets and SDGs 2030


Stunting is one form of malnutrition that is a serious problem in developing

countries such as Indonesia. Stunting adversely affects children's intelligence,

triggers non-communicable diseases, reduces child productivity, and becomes

the leading cause of death in toddlers. There are several factors that cause

stunting, one of which is the lack of intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals so

that children experience chronic malnutrition. The authors gave an innovative

idea by utilizing banana peel waste formulated with moringa leaf extract as a

cereal-making ingredient named samora flakes. Samora flakes is a

complementary food that can be a solution to prevent stunting in toddlers. This

paper writing uses a qualitative approach by describing the concept of the

nutritional content of the materials used and analyzing the existence of products

through previous research that has been done. Based on the results of the

analysis, banana peel contains carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, iron, calcium,

manganese, and potassium which are very good for the growth and development

of children. Meanwhile, the content contained in moringa leaves can also

overcome nutritional deficiencies in children. Analysis of the benefits of samora

flakes products can be seen from aspects of health, environment, and

sustainability. Judging from the health aspect, samora flakes contribute to

preventing the occurrence of non-communicable diseases and reducing the

death rate of toddlers due to stunting. In the environmental aspect of making

samora flakes products reduce waste produced by the agricultural sector into

healthy and nutritious food processing. It can be concluded that samora flakes

contributes to realizing the goals of the Global Nutrition Target in 2025 and the

second point SDGs are zero hunger.

Keywords: Banana Peel, Health, Moringa Leaves, Samora Flakes, Stunting

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Stunting is one form of malnutrition that is a serious problem in

developing countries such as Indonesia. The statement is evidenced by data

from SSGI which reported that stunting in Indonesia still reached 24.4% in

2021 (Ministry of Health, 2021). Although it decreased by 1.6% compared to

2019, the figure is still very high compared to the stunting target

recommended by WHO which is less than 20%.

Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in children that adversely affects

the child's intelligence, triggers non-communicable diseases, reduces child

productivity, and becomes the leading cause of death in toddlers. Stunting is

one of the main challenges faced by the health sector by accounting for 45%

of toddler deaths (Indriani and Retno, 2018). Thus reducing stunting cases at

the age of children becomes the first target set by the Global Nutrition Target

in 2025 and becomes a leading indicator on the second SDGs point to achieve

zero hunger (Wicaksono and Harsanti, 2020).

Marlina, Triana and Fanora (2022) reported that maternal education,

income, parenting, and exclusive breastfeeding are factors that cause stunting

in toddlers. In this case, the main cause of stunting that occurs in Indonesia is

a lack of intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals so that children experience

chronic malnutrition. So, it takes preventive efforts in preventing stunting

cases by utilizing the potential of Indonesia. In general, stunting prevention is

focused on the first 1000 days of life that begin early in pregnancy until the

child is two years old (Zia, Asif and Rehman, 2021).

Prevention of stunting in toddlers can be done by feeding breast milk

companions in accordance with WHO standards consisting of local ingredients

and easy to obtain. One of the possibilities of local food that is very abundant

in Indonesia is bananas. Based on data published by BPS (2020) banana

production in Indonesia reached 8,182,756.00 tons. However, the potential of

bananas leads to an increase in banana peel waste. Banana peels constitute

40% of the total weight of bananas that are only used as animal feed, fertilier,

or become solid waste (Sari, Fadhilah and Alvioni, 2020) This shows that

banana peels have not been utilized optimally. Whereas banana peels has

complete nutritional content such as carbohydrate, fat, calcium, phosphorus,

iron, vitamins B and C, water, and protein that are able to meet more than

50% of the needs of toddlers (Sari, Fadhilah and Alvioni, 2020). In addition to

banana peels, stunting prevalence can also be solved by utilizing local food

sources, namely moringa leaves (Sukenti, Rosida and Rosalina, 2020). The

nutritional content in moringa leaves is quite complete such as natural

minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and micronutrients (Putra et al. , 2021)

Based on the background above, it gives rise to the solution idea of the

author, namely banana peel cereal with the addition of moringa leaf extract

named samora flakes. Samora flakes is a complementary food that can

prevent stunting and nourish toddlers. Samora flakes can be a solution and

realize the Global Nutrition Target in 2025 and achieve the SDGs goal of zero


1.2. Problem Formula

The high number of stunting cases in Indonesia is one of the problems in

the health sector. Stunting can cause adverse effects on a child's intelligence,

decrease productivity, trigger non-communicable diseases, and cause death

in toddlers. The existence of local food potential moringa leaves and banana

peels that can prevent stunting has not been utilized optimally.

1.3. Purpose

Providing cereal innovation as a complementary food in overcoming

stunting in toddlers through the utilization of local food, namely moringa leaves

and banana peel waste.

1.4. Benefit

For the government this cereal can be a solution in overcoming the

problem of stunting while optimizing the potential of local food owned by

Indonesia. For students this cereal innovation becomes a means in

implementing the science that has been studied in lectures. For the general

public this cereal can be an alternative to breast milk companion foods that

are easily obtained so that they can provide nutritional intake in toddlers.

4. Conclusion

Samora flakes becomes one of the food innovation solutions by utilizing

banana peel waste and moringa leaves as a deterrent to stunting in toddlers.

Samora flakes in the form of instant cereals that are practical so that it is

preferred by the public. According to some studies, banana peels have a good

nutritional content as a source of energy. Meanwhile, the study also reported

that moringa leaves are effective in preventing stunting at the age of children

0-24 months, where at the age of slash a child needs more food that contains

a lot of nutrients. So Samora flakes is one of the right solutions as a

complementary food breast milk to prevent stunting. Samora flakes also have

several benefits judging from the health aspect, environmental aspect, and

sustainability aspect. Therefore, Samora flakes also contribute to realizing the

goals of the Global Nutrition Target in 2025 and the SDGs, the second point is

zero hunger.


Salam Peneliti Muda!

Untuk hasil karya yang lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi:

Instagram: @ukmpenelitianunila

Email: ukmpenelitianunila@gmail.com / ukmpunila@gmail.com

Youtube: UKM Penelitian Unila

Tiktok: ukmpunila



Era society 5.0 ditandai dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat. Namun, meskipun perkembangan teknologi sudah begitu pesat, Indonesia masih mengalami berbagai permasalahan ekonomi dan sosial, seperti pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Sebagai negara dengan jumlah penduduk yang sangat tinggi, Indonesia berpeluang meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi di era society 5.0 melalui sektor kewirausahaan. Namun, minat berwirausaha bagi generasi muda Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Sebagai upaya meningkatkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi generasi muda melalui entrepreneurship education berbasis digital, maka aplikasi Prection menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk diimplementasikan. Metode penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini menggunakan teknik penulisan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini yaitu data sekunder yang diperoleh dari jurnal ilmiah dan website resmi pemerintah. Aplikasi Prection mengusung konsep entrepreneurship education untuk membentuk generasi muda yang memiliki jiwa kreatif dan inovatif. Analisis manfaat dari aplikasi Prection dapat dilihat dari aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan keberlanjutan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi Prection merupakan solusi inovatif yang akan berkontribusi untuk membentuk generasi unggul Indonesia melalui peningkatan jiwa kewirausahaan yang dapat mewujudkan pembanguanan ekonomi secara berkelanjutan di era society 5.0.

Kata Kunci : Ekonomi, Entrepreneurship Education, Prection, Society 5.0


1.1 Latar Belakang

Era society 5.0 ditandai dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat. Namun, meskipun perkembangan teknologi sudah begitu pesat, Indonesia masih mengalami berbagai permasalahan ekonomi dan sosial, seperti pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Jumlah pengangguran di indonesia pada Februari 2021  mencapai 8,75 juta orang, artinya naik 26,26% dibandingkan dengan Februari 2020 (BPS, 2021). Masalah pengangguran tersebut juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Persentase kemiskinan di Indonesia pada Maret 2021 masih mencapai angka 10,14 persen, meningkat 0,36 persen poin terhadap Maret 2020 (BPS, 2021).

Sebagai negara dengan jumlah penduduk yang sangat tinggi, Indonesia berpeluang meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi di era society 5.0. Kemendagri (2021) melaporkan jumlah penduduk Indonesia per Juni 2021 yaitu sebanyak 272.229.372 jiwa. 70,7% dari jumlah penduduk tersebut berada pada usia produktif (investor.id, 2021) yang berpotensi menjadi aktor dalam mewujudkan pembangunan ekonomi. Pudjiastuti (2019) melaporkan bahwa generasi muda perlu memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan sehingga dapat menciptakan terobosan baru untuk membangun Indonesia. Namun, minat berwirausaha bagi generasi muda Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Menkop UKM, melaporkan bahwa jumlah wirausaha Indonesia berada paling rendah di Asia Tenggara yaitu 3,47% dari jumlah populasi (tempo.co, 2021). Padahal menurut Kemenperin (2018) Indonesia membutuhkan 4 juta wirausaha baru untuk menjadi negara yang maju.

Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan minat wirausaha masih sangat rendah yaitu belum optimalnya kebijakan pemerintah dalam menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan, kurangnya fasilitas pendukung kegiatan wirausaha, dan rendahnya sinergitas budaya entrepreneurship, sehingga diperlukan penanaman jiwa kewirausahaan berbasis digital (Pudjiastuti, 2019). Membentuk jiwa kewirausahaan menjadi sangat penting agar tercapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang stabil (Sumarno dan Gimin 2019). Untuk menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan tersebut maka dibutuhkan proses pendidikan kewirausahaan (Intansih et al, 2021). Sebagai upaya untuk merealisasikan pembentukan jiwa kewirausahaan berbasis digital bagi, maka hadir solusi inovatif dari penulis yaitu aplikasi Prection. Prection merupakan smart platform berbasis entrepreneurship education yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan pembangunan ekonomi sekaligus menumbuhkan ilkim bisnis yang  berkelanjutan di era society 5.0.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, penulis merumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut:

  1. Bagaimana konsep dan mekanisme kerja aplikasi Prection?

  2. Bagaimana analisis manfaat aplikasi Prection?

  3. Bagaimana tahapan implementasi aplikasi Prection?

1.3 Tujuan

Tujuan dari karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah sebagai berikut

  1. Untuk mengetahui konsep dan mekanisme kerja aplikasi Prection

  2. Untuk mengetahui analisi manfaat dari aplikasi Prection

  3. Untuk mengetahui tahap implementasi aplikasi Prection

1.4 Manfaat

Adapun manfaat karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Bagi Pemerintah

Manfaat karya tulis ilmiah ini bagi pemerintah yaitu sebagai solusi alternatif untuk menanamkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan mewujudkan pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan.

  1. Bagi Mahasiswa

Manfaat karya tulis ilmiah ini bagi mahasiswa  yaitu dapat dijadikan sarana untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat.

  1. Bagi Masyarakat

Manfaat karya tulis ilmiah ini bagi masyarakat yaitu sebagai sarana edukasi kewirausahaan dan bimbingan membuka usaha baru.


5.1 Kesimpulan 

Aplikasi Prection merupakan smart platform berbasis entrepreneurship education yang memiliki fitur-fitur unggulan. Aplikasi Prection merupakan terobosan baru yang memberikan manfaat pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan keberlanjutan. Pada aspek ekonomi aplikasi Prection dapat meningkatkan minat berwirausaha untuk generasi muda dan meningkatkan jumlah wirausaha di Indonesia. Pada aspek sosial aplikasi Prection dapat mengatasi masalah pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Sehingga aplikasi Prection merupakan solusi inovatif yang akan berkontribusi untuk membentuk generasi unggul Indonesia melalui peningkatan jiwa kewirausahaan yang dapat mewujudkan pembanguanan ekonomi secara berkelanjutan di era society 5.0.

5.2 Saran

Perlu adanya fitur-fitur tambahan dan sistem yang lebih baik agar menghasilkan aplikasi Prection yang lebih unggul. Sehingga diperlukan kerja sama secara sinergis dari berbagai pihak untuk merealisasikan pengembangan aplikasi Prection.

--- Salam Peneliti Muda! Untuk hasil karya yang lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi: Instagram: @ukmpenelitianunila Email: ukmpenelitianunila@gmail.com / ukmpunila@gmail.com Youtube: UKM Penelitian Unila Tiktok: ukmpunila

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